Friday, March 22, 2013

Happy New Year' the End of March!

Funny New Year's Ecard: It may be the antidepressants talking, but I'm feeling somewhat optimistic about 2013.

I know it's been a long time since my last post. I could give you a litany of reasons why, but the bottom line was that I just didn't feel like it. Writer's block, laziness, resistance to doing something work-like on my day off, my baby toe hurts...pick one and it would be true on any given Friday.

So if you're reading this, thanks for checking back in and if you missed me, I missed you back. :)

I'm not going to lie; 2012 was NOT my year. Sure, plenty of good things happened, but there were also plenty of setbacks, and 2013 couldn't come fast enough. New Year's Eve, spent in the company of great friends (and even greater champagne) was the day I laid my battered and bruised spirit down and woke up in a new year with renewed hope and energy. Yay!

What did I do differently you might ask? I made a commitment not to go shopping for a month, I made a commitment to eating healthier and I began training for a half-marathon (2 more days!). All of those things have stuck; I have more money in my pocket (to pay for busted windows because my car keeps getting broken into...grrr), I don't have to give said money to Weight Watchers to help me keep my weight down, and I believe that I can run those 13.1 miles without dying. I'm amazed too.

However, there are some things going on in my life that are constant reminders that I don't really have control over much like I delude myself into believing. I've always thought that if I put some positive energy, lots of thought into something (and rub Buddha's belly), then I would get what I wanted. I'd like to believe that I'm right about this, but there is some evidence that this is not always the case. This has been quite a painful lesson; not that I thought I was all-powerful, but still, maybe like a second-in-command? No?

Now we're fully ensconced in 2013. It's a new season and the days are longer; I would have thought by now my whole life would be different! Again, some good things have happened/are happening, but some of the setbacks and frustrations of 2012 have weaseled their way into 2013. Okay, maybe I haven't been as proactive in keeping them out...did I mention that I deluded myself into believing some things that were not true?

It's a good thing I don't believe in beating myself up. Life is hard enough; I've got to always be on my team and to tell Beverly to be quiet. Regardless of the good and the less good that's been going on in my life, I'm constantly learning. And sometimes, when I'm really feeling myself, I even use what I've learned and apply (reply) it!

So I'm making one more commitment - I'm going to do all that I can so that 2013 will evolve into a fantastic year. Just in case, keep your fingers crossed (but not your eyes).

1 comment:

  1. Realizing that we are not in control and giving up that fallacy is so hard but soooo freeing! I'm proud of you. You sound like a grown ass woman in 2013. Do it!
