Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Don't Be Scurred!

someecards.com - Hope you're not too exhausted from your yearly visit to the gym on New Year's Day

It's the beginning of a new year - the perfect time to eat better, sleep better, end old relationships and begin new ones.  Yet, by the end of February, all those new members at the gym will be gone, with their resolutions melted on the bottom of the ice cream container that mysteriously appeared in their freezer.  What is it that makes it so difficult for us to stick to our resolutions? It's not the lack of desire to change...right?

I think many of us (myself included) operate under fear - fear of change, fear of rejection, fear of failure, fear of (fill in the blank).  How many of us have stayed at jobs that make us contemplate eye-gouging and hair-pulling? Or in relationships in which having a root canal would be more pleasurable than sex with your partner?  Fear is a cold-blooded beast that often motivates us to do absolutely nothing. We convince ourselves that “it” isn't so bad and take huge steps to avoid looking at how it negatively affects our physical, emotional and mental health. Usually it isn't until we are forced to make changes that we get over our fear; we didn't jump into the deep end of the pool, we were pushed. It feels a lot worse when we do not exercise our power to decide to change at our own pace.  It seems easier to learn to swim than to have to avoid sinking.

It's a new year - time to make a fresh start and more importantly, sustain those changes. I'm opening my own private psychotherapy practice and it is scary as hell. However, I don't want to work for anyone else and I'm tired of being fearful of failure. I'm facing it head on and doing the damn thing. I challenge you to do the same. What's going to be different for you in 2011?


  1. Two-oh-leven is gonna be my year to shed the fear too. Congrats on your blog; iLove. I'll send you a link to mine when I get off the fear train and get my Nike on...just do it. Me love you long time and I'm proud of you!

  2. I'm finally gonna start my business in 2011. No fear only action! I'm proud of you for doing the damn thing.

  3. Ok - so I loved the idea of you starting a blog and already --- I LOVE it. Love the background too. So cool!

    We've discussed this before but isn't it funny how others are certain of our success while we remain unsure? What you have embarked upon is amazing on many levels but particularly because you are fulfilling the vision!

    I only hope it's contagious!

    FYI -- I'll be forwarding this along.

  4. I'm gonna do what I wanna do, damn it-- even if I'm doing it alone (one of my biggest fears). Thanks for kicking 2011 off with such an awesome start! You're dope. Can I work for you?

  5. YES! I feel you! Here's to 2011! (And um, that someecard was meant for me, right? Why are you putting my business in the street? ;-)
